Are you addicted to negative self-talk?
You know, the harsh critic in there saying “you’re not good enough,” or “you’ll always be stuck at this level” or “your art will never look like hers”…
Thing is, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and those frustrations of not being where you want to be are actually necessary for growth.
They show you your edge and bring the momentum forward when you’re able to push through.
Without that “I need to be further along” voice, we wouldn’t have the desire to be further along!! It’s that simple.
But it’s when we sit in that and fester on the “I don’t have art talent,” that we give the power over to that person in our mind repeating the negativity…that’s when we stay small.
But guess what?! YOU are capable of so much BIG!
Take Payton Brewer for example.
She wrote to me a while back saying “Thank you SO much Jenna.” Because her art went from this…
To this…
All from watching this wreath tutorial.
Check out the rest of Payton's work here.
So next time you hear that voice start to creep in and say you’re not good enough…remember how far you’ve come.
This is why it’s SO important to document and share the process!
You know those before and after transformation posts of people who are on a fitness journey…THIS is your transformation!!
Take photos along the way, share them with your friends or keep them close to your heart, but remind yourself of how far you’ve come to keep your momentum going forward!
The addiction to negative self talk is real. It’s a part of our neurology and mode of survival, but it does NOT have to keep you small and safe with watercolor.
Art and creativity is about blossoming and opening out, recovering a sense of connection to your practice and the present moment. Discovering new ways of looking at things and slowing down.
A practice in finding your edges and growing past them!
Learning any new skill will teach you so much in where you get uncomfortable. Embrace that. Don’t just accept it…that’s a passive, throw your hands up kinda move.
Embrace where you are. Bring it in close. Soak it in and let it go.
THAT is where growth happens!
Have a story of transformation in your art practice you want to share with me? Send me an email to hello [at]!
I so needed this! Thanks so much for being real in this crazy world! You are true inspiration and I appreciate all that you share!
My negative self talk is about everything but I so appreciate your encouragement about art:-)