new here?
Step One
☞ Projector 3/5
☞ Gemini ☀️, Virgo ☽, Scorpio ↑
☞ Enneagram 8, Wing 7
Step Two
The Art Within
Everyday watercolor companion course
Step Three
I love expressing myself and translating my art skills into fashion skills. I also get asked about my makeup/skincare everyday, so I got ya covered!
Check out my favorite things!
You can go ahead and say goodbye to boring marketing emails. Being and artist and business owner for over a decade now means I've got a LOT of good stories to share. Some embarrassing ones, some insightful ones, but if you want to be a part of the VIP crew with over 62,000 other people living for these emails every week then, what are you waiting for?!
hot off the press
I'm a published author of the best-selling series Everyday Watercolor, and my third book is all about my first love: The Ocean! It finally made its grand debut to the world in March 2024!
I'm a content machine
Between my YouTube Channel, Patreon Community, online courses, email list and blogs, I'm producing 4 video tutorials, 1 live tutorial, 4-6 art critiques, 4 (sometimes more) emails and 8 blogs a month. Thanks to my Operations Manager, Kelly, I stay on task with everything and our execution is quite phenomenal, if I do say so myself.
Step Four
My 40-page watercolor companion to help you find my best tips, resources and tutorials on the topic of watercolor!
The Complete Beginner's Guide to Watercolor
Don't leave without these!
A free class on how to scan, digitize and edit your artwork. I'll walk you through the equipment you need and the tools for cleaning up your artwork!
How to Digitize Your Artwork