Jenna Rainey


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I’m Jenna Rainey. 

I'm an artist, self-taught designer, and multi-faceted creative entrepreneur who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to find their inner creative voice.



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A highly creative nerd with a unique breed of humor and the proud earner of a self-bestowed award for being the world’s most curious and driven human.

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It’s like Netflix-binging Bob Ross videos, but with a dose of dry + quirky humor and fewer happy little tree references. 

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The 9 Elements to Creating an Irresistible Online Course

Resources for Creatives


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Are you here because you’re interested in creating an online course and need to know the steps?

Or maybe you already have an online program or programs and are wondering…”Why aren’t people buying this thing?!”

Well, I’ve been there. Most course creators (preaching to the choir!) think once they’re done with creating and launching their first course, that it’s time to move onto the next digital course idea to keep enticing their audience with offers.

And let me just tell you right now…don’t do that!

You really only need ONE core offering or program that is absolutely irresistible to your ideal customer that generates revenue but also attracts new, like-minded people to your offering.

Related: All of My Pro Tips for Launching an Online Course

So if you’re here with a course idea or with a program already created, let’s work on refining your idea and offer. Focus on serving your students a program that actually changes their lives, instead of creating something, moving onto the next idea and coming up with programs that aren’t transformation-focused and therefore not irresistible.


The 9 Elements to Creating an Irresistible Online Course 

#1: An irresistible course idea and framework for your ideal avatar

This is the first and foremost element to creating an irresistible online course. If your course idea and curriculum isn’t attractive to your audience (or ideal audience if you don’t have one yet), then guess what?! It won’t sell!

And this doesn’t just include the actual course material itself, but also the offer. What’s the difference? The offer is basically how it’s packaged—how you sell the thing, the aesthetics, the sales page, the messaging. And sometimes all that needs to shift in order to make some sales is how the course is packaged and sold and not redoing all of the content.

So with that, define and think about who your ideal person is for your program and create your offer and your course around that person! 


#2: A results-focused course name

Naming a digital course shouldn’t be half-assed or overlooked. This is a very important aspect to selling an online course. Think about it! It’s the biggest font you see on the sales page, and it’s going to be repeated over and over again on social media and in your emails when selling the course. Create a name for your course that’s short, sweet and focused on the results that your student wants, for example:

  • My course “Pen to Press” teaches designers how to digitize their artwork and prep their work for printing with any printing method (letterpress, digital, etc.) 
  • My friend Jessica Stone’s course “Soul Led Life” focuses on the result of creating and living a life that is led by the soul!
  • My course on SEO is titled “Show Up In Searches,” showing students how to get their content, blogs, etc. to show up in Google search results!


#3: Transformative course “promise” or tagline

What is the transformation your students are looking to achieve with your course? This is your tagline or “promise”! This promise should be about 1-2 sentences or less. Short, sweet and results-based like the title so that your potential students can read it in a few seconds and make a snap decision if this course is for them or not. 


  • My course Photograph Your Artwork: The 5-step video guide that walks you through all my hacks for styling, composition, lighting and editing your photos so you can “wow” website visitors, social scrollers and more!


#4: Modules and Lesson names that sell the course for you

This is HUGE. Your module and lesson titles will be on the sales page and inside your launch emails!! Don’t overlook these. If a potential buyer resonates or finds one of their biggest struggles addressed or objections about your course, they are going to be convinced to buy. Most potential buyers don’t reach out and ask questions, so if your lesson names and module titles are vague, you’re letting a lot of revenue and impact slide through the cracks! 


#5: Resistance reducing bonuses that sell the course for you

Bonuses are a game-changer for selling your course and this is actually an area I’m still refining for my own courses. Most course creators just throw in any type of bonus they think to just pile on more and more stuff because we think more stuff sells the course for us.

Boy oh boy could that not be more wrong!! This actually deters the potential customer from buying because it feels overwhelming! Like, “When will I have the time to go through all of this?!” type of overwhelm.

So instead, when your customer is on your sales page, you should have them getting to the point of your bonus and going “Wow! That bonus alone is worth the price of the course for me!” and immediately convinces them to buy because it either addresses one of their biggest problems, saves them time, etc. etc.

These bonus offerings must be related to the program curriculum and give your students an extra boost in confidence when buying your course! 


#6: Creating urgency and appeal with scarcity

I know we’ve all seen those marketing tactics online used like, “buy now,” “sale ends tonight,” etc. Yes, these tactics highlight the scarcity of the product or program, but when done ethically, scarcity doesn’t come across as sleazy and is absolutely necessary when selling your course.

Picture this: I’m selling a digital course and go, “Hey guys, buy my course whenever you want, it’s available any time and anyone can buy it. The topics are super broad and applicable to anyone and everyone!”


“Hey guys, my course is only open for registration over the next 7 days and is perfect for those of you who already have an online course and are looking to refine your offering and boost your business from 6-figures to 7-figures!”

Obviously, we know who we’re talking to in the second option and that time limit or scarcity creates urgency around your offer. If there’s no element of time scarcity, your people will say “Oh, I’ll buy that this weekend when I have more time” and guess what happens?! They forget about it and don’t buy.

The scarcity around who this course is for also helps to put a spotlight on your course and who it’s perfect for so that you don’t just have everyone and their mom in your course, leading to more headaches for you in the long run! 


#7: Money back guarantee to reduce risk objections

People want to know that what they’re buying is worth it. Spending their hard-earned money on your program means they’re trusting you with your expertise, your teaching skills and in exchange, handing over their money, their time and their energy. This is huge! There are sooo many people who have tight financial situations, or spending money on themselves is really hard, so a 14 or 30-day money back guarantee is there for the person to read and subconsciously help to reduce the financial risk objections they’re playing in their head.

Obviously make sure your money back guarantee is something you can realistically follow through on and won’t allow people to take advantage of you, but this is a crucial part to online course creation! 


#8: Objections-focused messaging for your ideal customer

Speaking of money objections, in all of your pitching, copy and messaging around selling your course, it is SO important to address your ideal customer’s objections. Common objections could be:

…I don’t have enough time to work through the course.

…Money is tight right now and I don’t know if your course will be worth it.

…I’m not sure if my course idea is viable and able to make money.

…I don’t have an audience right now and don’t know if I’ll get my time and money back without one.

To which you would say:

…This course is self-paced and focused on getting you results fast! Take 10 minutes a day to work through the course and you’ll be on your way to results and a transformation in X amount of time!

…When you show up for yourself and do the work on creating an online course using the blueprint I have for you in this course, you’ll see your money back in X time. OR highlight case studies and student testimonials who had the same objections before buying and now have the results!

…I walk you through exactly how to make a profitable course whether you’re into homesteading or teaching coaches how to scale their businesses, courses are literally for any industry.

…Inside the course we have a full module dedicated to building an audience and launching to small audiences. For example, Sarah who launched her course to an audience of 200 hundred people made $10,000 in her first launch week using the strategies I cover in the course!

See what I did there? 


#9: Social Proof and testimonials for messaging and refinement

As you can see from the previous point, having previous students who’ve seen results from your course allows the potential student to visualize the possibilities and desires they current have and see the results! Screenshot your dms, ask your students for feedback on your course, and put it in emails, on your sales page. This element is HUGE in creating an irresistible offer!


Which element was your biggest ah-ha moment? Which do you need to focus on more? Let me know in the comments! 

by Jenna Rainey 

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  1. techylist says:

    I really enjoyed this blog post! It was full of great tips and advice on how to create an online course that will be popular with students and teachers. I think the key to success is to be creative and innovative with the way you

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