Jenna Rainey


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I’m Jenna Rainey. 

I'm an artist, self-taught designer, and multi-faceted creative entrepreneur who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to find their inner creative voice.



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A highly creative nerd with a unique breed of humor and the proud earner of a self-bestowed award for being the world’s most curious and driven human.

Hey I'm Jenna!

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It’s like Netflix-binging Bob Ross videos, but with a dose of dry + quirky humor and fewer happy little tree references. 

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Jenna shares tips for growing your business on social media against watercolor backdrop

Growing Your Business On Social Media in 2024

Social Media


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Storytime – I’ve been posting my art and sharing my work on social media before “influencing” was even a thing. It definitely wasn’t the career it was today. If I’m honest, back when I started, using Instagram to market your business was barely a thing (it’s been a WILD ride since then). Today, I’m sharing my top 5 tips for growing your business on social media that have stood the test of time for me over and over again. If I was starting my accounts from scratch, this is still what I would focus on 10 years later.

Before we dive in, have we officially met yet? I’m Jenna – a left AND right brained creative business owner, 3x published author, artist, and educator. Like most entrepreneurs, I wear many hats in my business and if you’re reading this I can only imagine you’re the same. While I hope the below tips for growing your business on social media in 2024 will be helpful, you can watch me put these tips to good use on Instagram, or head over to my YouTube channel to watch me in action.

personal branding on Instagram with beach photos

1. Everyone Starts Somewhere

Before I share some of the more tangible steps to growing your business on social media, I want to stress that everyone starts somewhere. It's so easy to fall into the trap of comparing your beginning to someone else's midpoint (or highlight reel). 

I've been in the trenches of what I'm about to share with you for what feels like ages, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's the importance of setting realistic expectations for yourself, especially in the beginning. Remember that growing your business on social media (or really just growing a business in general), is a marathon, not a sprint. Every piece of advice you hear, and every strategy I'm about to lay out below, has been a part of my path for a LONG time.

2. Choose 1-2 Platforms to Focus On

One of the most common traps many new entrepreneurs fall into is spreading themselves too thin across too many platforms. In my experience (and what I will tell everybody who will listen), is that focusing on just 1-2 social media platforms initially can make a world of difference. You might look at me now and think, “But you're active everywhere!” However, even with a team by my side, I strategically choose which platforms to prioritize and which ones to let go of. In fact, I wrote this post recently about why I won’t be getting a threads account.

After a decade online, I’ve learned that it's all about playing to your strengths and understanding where your audience hangs out the most. By narrowing your focus, you're not just conserving your energy; you're also giving yourself the chance to build a stronger, more engaged community (keep reading for more advice on that)

3. Set Boundaries For Growing Your Business on Social Media

This is a recurring theme around here. I’m a BIG believer in strong boundaries in your business and your personal life. But here? I want to talk about why boundaries are so important when it comes to growing your business on social media specifically.

In my opinion, you need to have a clear sense of what aspects of your life and business you're open to sharing and what remains off-limits. This isn't just about privacy; it's about preserving your authenticity, your energy and ensuring that your online presence is a true reflection of who you are and what your brand stands for. You don’t need to share every single part of yourself. Before you dive in and start posting all day every day, take a moment to reflect on the parts of yourself and your business you're comfortable making public, and equally important, the parts you wish to keep private. This clarity will not only help you craft a more genuine and relatable social media persona but also protect your peace of mind.

Moreover, setting time restrictions on how much you engage with social media is another cornerstone of a sustainable strategy. It's all too easy to get caught up in the constant scroll, losing precious hours that could be spent on other areas of your business or, importantly, with your family or friends. 

Remember, the goal is to use social media as a tool for growth, not a source of stress. By setting these boundaries upfront, you're laying the groundwork for a social media strategy that not only serves your business in the short term but is also sustainable and fulfilling for you personally in the long run. Want more of my thoughts on this? Here are 3 of my own boundaries that I never cross on social media.

4. Treat Your Followers Like Your Community 

I believe that this has always been true but especially in 2024 you need to be treating your Instagram as more than just a platform for broadcasting your message. Instead, one of my biggest pieces of advice for growing your business on social media is to focus on nurturing your audience and growing it into a thriving community.

I know you might be reading this thinking, “OK Jenna – but my business needs to make money”, so let me explain. This community-focused approach is rooted in a simple yet profound truth: people want to buy from people. The essence of any successful social media strategy lies in building genuine connections, fostering a sense of belonging, and engaging in meaningful interactions. When your followers feel seen, heard, and valued, they're not just passive observers; they become active participants in your brand's story.

Here are a few ways you can better foster community among your followers:

  • Host a “Ask me anything” day of the week.
  • Poll your audience (and share the results).
  • Listen to what they’re saying in the comments and DMs, and respond always.

5. While focusing on growing your business on social media, don’t forget about email!

While social media has been hugely beneficial in my own business, there’s NO algorithm with email. It’s not the most glamorous part of owning a business, the truth is that having an email list is a non-negotiable if you want to run a profitable business in 2024. As you set out to start growing your business on social media, don’t forget to prioritize your email list at the same time. It can be a great addition to your social media strategy to funnel new eyes into a nurture sequence (so they can become raving fans and community members!), but also serves as a backup plan for when you’re trying to sell a new offer and Instagram is giving crickets.

Wondering what’s in my email marketing tech stack? Head here to my business resources page!

sitting at desk reminding you that when growing your business on social media, don't forget about building your email list

Ready to Grow Your Business?

In 2024, it's clear that the social media landscape is ever-evolving, yet these principles remain tried and true. My hope for you is that by following these five strategies, they will serve you not just today but years down the line as you continue to grow your business in a way that feels authentic, sustainable, and true to your vision.

And while we've covered a lot of ground here, the conversation doesn't have to stop. If you're looking for more insights, strategies, and real-life entrepreneur tips, I would love for you to join MY community on Instagram. Here's to growing not just a business, but a community that thrives on connection, authenticity, and mutual success. See you there!

by Jenna Rainey 

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