Jenna Rainey


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I’m Jenna Rainey. 

I'm an artist, self-taught designer, and multi-faceted creative entrepreneur who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to find their inner creative voice.



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A highly creative nerd with a unique breed of humor and the proud earner of a self-bestowed award for being the world’s most curious and driven human.

Hey I'm Jenna!

(with me)


It’s like Netflix-binging Bob Ross videos, but with a dose of dry + quirky humor and fewer happy little tree references. 

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Behind the Scenes of My Society6 Shop Launch



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Let’s go behind the Scenes of My Society6 Shop Launch!

If you didn’t already know, I just recently launched an online shop with Society6. The shop includes a few art prints, options for printing my work on fabric like pillowcases, shower curtains and more!

When I first started selling my artwork about 9 years ago, I launched a Society6 shop, but my strategy and business savvy were quite different then. Back then it just sounded cool and easy to launch on Society6. I get to have my artwork on products without having to manufacture the products myself, that’s nice!

Well, now that’s still a major advantage and one of the main reasons why I license my artwork, but if you’re curious about why I decided to launch a Society6 shop then read this blog post! For now, let’s take a behind the scenes look at what my Society6 Shop launch looked like:

“Hey Jenna, Deny Designs (home furnishings company/manufacturer) is now working with Society6. I think we should launch on Society6 to see what comes of it!” -My Agent,  Julie Turkel

When Julie approached me with this idea, I was immediately interested. Deny Designs is a wholesale brand and they supply home goods products to stores like Urban Outfitters and Wayfair. Of course, creating a shop profile on Society6 doesn’t automatically mean your work is going to end up in these stores, but it’s a great idea to start vetting their process and showing your work on their products if you do in fact want to work with them as a licensed artist.

Once I decided to launch a shop, it was now time to get some work together!

Before even creating some of the prints, I hinted at launching some prints of my artwork on my Instagram. This helped to create early buzz about the shop and also insight on what people wanted to see from me! There were some paintings in the comments I was surprised to see come up for people!

Once it was time to start creating the work, I began thinking of the main products my potential customers would want to see from me: Art Prints and Home Goods. I already have a collection in office goods and phone cases with Casetify, so I needed to think about creating art that made sense for the wall and for textiles.

Artwork Specs/Considerations

This is where having the right specs for each one of my files came into play. When you’re uploading artwork to these print-on-demand sites, you don’t always get to proof your work after production, so it’s important to follow and consider which file type and DPI you’re using when uploading your prints. If it’s not good quality, it won’t print well, so here’s what we followed for my art. This is directly from Society6 and can be different per platform, so keep this in mind for S6, but do your research on other platforms!

1. All files should be RGB, not CMYK

2. If possible, ideally all designs would be submitted as both a vertical/horizontal asset and a square version. This allows S6 to activate a larger product range.

Vertical/Horizontal Dimensions: One side at least 7000px (w/h) 

Square Dimensions: 7000px x 7000px

There are a few specialty products that require larger assets. If you would like to offer these products for a certain design, here are the specs: 

Yoga Mats: 10650px x 3750px 

Rugs: 7400px x 5000px

Picnic Blankets: 9300px x 7500px

Because some of these products create really large files, this might mean lots of extra time when uploading and saving files. Keep this in mind while you’re planning your shop launch!

The Overall Collection

When considering what type of art I’d include in my shop, I obviously knew I had to include a lot of floral. That’s what I’m most known for and flowers sell really well in wall art. Along with that, I’ve been exploring and playing with a lot of “baby” or “kid-themed” art like these watercolor hands or rainbows. As a mom myself, painting these cuties comes naturally to me, but I also know what this type of customer is looking for because I am that customer! In other words, it’s for moms looking for new, fresh art for their nursery or playroom. it’s fitting!

So, if you’re interest is now piqued, check out my new online shop with Society6 HERE! I’m uploading new prints and products every month or so, so make sure to check back regularly and comment on this post with what you’d like to see from me!

by Jenna Rainey 

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