Jenna Rainey


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hey friend!

I’m Jenna Rainey. 

I'm an artist, self-taught designer, and multi-faceted creative entrepreneur who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to find their inner creative voice.



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A highly creative nerd with a unique breed of humor and the proud earner of a self-bestowed award for being the world’s most curious and driven human.

Hey I'm Jenna!

(with me)


It’s like Netflix-binging Bob Ross videos, but with a dose of dry + quirky humor and fewer happy little tree references. 

Wanna Learn Watercolor?

i wrote some books



Rebrand + New Site Launch



written by




SURPRISE guys! We’ve been working tirelessly over the last year to launch this new brand, and it’s FINALLY HERE! If you only recently started following me on Instagram, then you might not know what that’s all entailed, so for you, and those of you curious about the why of the rebrand… here you have it:

Jenna Rainey Design Studio
A little over 5 years ago, when I was 23, I started painting and doodling with a calligraphy pen from my kitchen table (read more about my start in THIS POST). When I started booking my first clients and wedding stationery jobs, I quickly discovered that I needed a name for myself. Now, because I had never intended to start a business and make money off of art, naming my business came about quickly and I didn’t do much of any critical or strategical thinking. I didn’t have goals in mind of where I wanted my business to be in 5+ years, because I didn’t know where I wanted it to be in 5 days. All I knew at the time was, I’m getting hired for wedding calligraphy and stationery jobs…I want my name to be elegant and romantic. I’ve always loved the French language, so one day, before I launched my Etsy shop (which had a few products in there like Calligraphy addressing services and custom calligraphed vows), my husband John and I were sitting on the couch, brainstorming ideas for this new β€œbusiness” and landed in Google Translate. After typing in a couple words and phrases I liked, we landed on “Mon Voir.”

Mon Voir has grown from a one person, solopreneur business (ehem, this girl), to a small but mighty team creating custom stationery for weddings and events. For the last 5 years, I’ve gone from being the calligrapher, illustrator, designer, administrator, bookkeeper, errand runner, blog post writer, social media manager, etc. to Creative Directing and slowly releasing my duties in the “wedding world.” Over the years, I’ve found that my expertise is in licensing, teaching, helping grow small businesses and designing products, while working on wedding stationery has shifted out of focus for me and onto Brooke Dieda.

Within 2 years of starting Mon Voir, I grew my business from 0 wedding clients to doing nearly 45 CUSTOM stationery jobs in one year…now, if you’re a wedding stationer, you know how intensive custom stationery jobs can be…by year 3, I’d booked nearly 100. I was slammed, overwhelmed and couldn’t do it alone. In comes Brooke. She started for me as an apprentice, learning my style of calligraphy so she could take on alllll the envelope addressing and handwritten, calligraphy busy work. She was our β€œin-house calligrapher,” for about a year doing this so I could focus on the designing and project management end of each cust client project. As that first year of her being the wedding calligrapher progressed, I took on more workshops/teaching jobs and signed my first book deal for “Everyday Watercolor.” Now, writing a book is no easy task, and I soon learned this as I was trying to manage and design for my 40+ custom wedding clients, and meet the crazy deadlines from my publisher. This eventually pushed me into training Brooke in the ways of design. Prior to her calligraphy apprenticeship, she had very little experience in calligraphy and absolutely NO experience with design programs, working with clients, etc., but I was DESPERATE.

Fast forward to present day and Brooke has now been taking on all of the wedding jobs, from pen to press, while I work on all the other projects I have going on. We’re essentially running, managing, designing, illustrating, etc. for two separate businesses: her for Mon Voir, and me: Jenna Rainey. I now get inquiries and work with food and health clients, lifestyle brands, clothing and textile companies, etc. Not to mention all of the education through online classes and products that I have, an online school that I have launching later this year and BOOKS. I couldn’t have imagined how my business would transform 5 years ago when I started, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. While I’ve LOVED how I started and it’s taught me a ton, and of course it’s hard to part ways with something you grew and created, it is time. Strategically, it makes more sense. Along with my books that I already have out and in the works, I’ll soon have products sitting on retail shelves (think journals, stationery sets, yoga towels, etc.) and my business name needs to be recognizable in any format. It needs to be something people can pronounce (ha!) and something I don’t have to explain every time someone asks me, β€œWhat’s your business called?”

However, while I am launching into this new site, new brand, Mon Voir still lives on and THRIVES. The name will be carried on through my apprentice, now kick a$$ wedding stationer, Brooke. I/we have grown Mon Voir into one of the most sought after custom stationery design agencies in the biz, and the aesthetic, expertise and service will live on with the name. The look and feel will all be the same, just run by Brooke! She and I are super tight, too, so you better believe I’ll be checking in from time to time on the biz and what not.

But, I am so excited. Excited beyond belief in fact, for where my business is going. I’ve been working under the radar on this launch with an incredible team for over a YEAR to make this site exactly what it needs to be. Along with that, I haven’t been sharing much of this either, but I will be launching essentially an online school for those of you who are stationers, or designers, small business owners, etc. you will soon have the resources on how I grew my business from a $0 to a six figure income in 2 years, all the social media know how I’ve learned in growing my own following and creating customers, etc. to everything I know after my years of experience from paintbrush to press. Yep! It’s going to be so good and I can’t wait for it to launch. If you’re super anxious about this, just like me, make sure to sign up for our mailing list so you can hear the news right when it drops!

In the meantime, thank you, thank YOU! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading, thank you for taking the time to look at the new and improved site. My business wouldn’t even be possible if it weren’t for people like you who have followed my journey on Instagram, clicked that link to read, signed up for that class or bought the book, etc. So, I’m excited to give YOU more content, help you through growing your own business or developing your skills as a watercolorist. I’m excited to take you along for the ride by sharing updates and personal life through social media and class dates, product and class launches as they come.

Don’t want to miss out on all the upcoming excitement? Sign up to be in the know

by Jenna Rainey 

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  1. This is so exciting! I’ve followed you forever on IG and have taken both your modern calligraphy summit and watercolor summit classes! I have been painting for about two years now. It started as a hobby but I’ve become obsessed with watercolor! I can’t wait to learn more on the business side as I am striving to move my art from side hustle to full time work!

  2. Wendy Turney says:

    Jenna… so dang proud of you and what you are accomplishing in a daily basis! The way you have handed over your wedding biz to Brooke is so sweet and given her such an incredible opportunity… as well as such sweet friendship!!! You are a wonderful team! I’m excited to see what is coming …. from your website and from you little belly!!?? BIG Congratulations!!

  3. Susan Barnett says:

    Please sign me up!

    Very good luck to you. Can’t wait to see what you have to show us. I think you are very inspiring.

    From Idyllwild, California

  4. Kelli Upshur says:

    Jenna, the new site is beautiful!! Can I ask how you came across Brooke? I’ve commented on your instagram posts before–I’m the 30 year-old version of you from when you were 23. Working 9-5 at an advertising agency and having an intense itch to get back into drawing and painting (I went to college for Studio Arts and scoffed that I wasn’t able to major in Design at my college, thought I was wasting my time!) My dream now is to be able to work alongside other creatives on projects like wedding invites, signs, branding, even design-heavy projects. I don’t know who is looking for help! I also recently moved back to the east coast (lived in LA for 3 years, in Tampa now but have no idea where we’ll actually settle down… the Carolinas???) so, although I attend CreativeMornings and whatnot in St Pete, I haven’t made any long-term friends yet.

  5. Kathy says:

    Congratulations on the new site! So many exciting things going on, I cant wait to see!

  6. Irina Romanova says:

    Jenna! Thank you so much for everything you do. You inspire so much to create! I have your book, I subscribe to instagram and never cease to wonder how easily you create! I understand that nothing is impossible if you really want to achieve something. I’m in love with you! πŸ˜€ Happiness and inspiration to you! β™₯

  7. Congratulations, Jenna! Your hard work has not gone unnoticed! Good luck in all your many, many future ventures!

  8. cheryl steffen says:

    very exciting!!!!

  9. Isabel says:

    Congrats Jenna! I’ve been following your work since nearly the beginning and I wish you all the best in the world, for both the professional and personal life changes in progress!
    I love your style and have learned so much with your work, have been encourage to proceed with mine and laughed with your instagram stories… ❀ from Portugal!

  10. Cynthia Beahm says:

    This is amazeballs !!!!! That trajectory is inspiring and ignited a fire in me to get this going, continue to knocking on doors and saying β€œYes” to projects that scare me. Thanks for always being so transparent and open with your knowledge. I look forward to our paths crossing one day, you seem pretty dope girl! Making your dreams come true… proud chica!

  11. Maria Jessel says:

    So excited for you! Cannot wait to see what you have in store for us.
    I have always had anxiety about promoting myself..when asked β€œare you an artist, without hesitation I say no, I just like to work with my hands”! Drives my friends and loved ones crazy…age is also not my friend. Looking forward to see what you have to offer.
    Thank you for who you are,

  12. Maria Kessel says:

    So excited for you! Cannot wait to see what you have in store for us.
    I have always had anxiety about promoting myself..when asked β€œare you an artist, without hesitation I say no, I just like to work with my hands”! Drives my friends and loved ones crazy…age is also not my friend. Looking forward to see what you have to offer.
    Thank you for who you are,

  13. erin johnson says:

    Wow Jenna! This is so exciting-so happy for you! I haven’t been on IG long, but you were the first person I followed. I am 53 years old and worked full time in the children’s wear and giftware worlds. I have developed so many styles for my employers that I have lost myself. Eventually I gave up full time employment and began freelancing(for those same companies) so that I could care for my mom who succumbed to cancer and on top of that my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He passed too. It’s been a few years, but I have been struggling with what I am supposed to do. Ever since I discovered you and so many other creatives on IG, I began to sketch again and focused on watercolor since my freelance clients were asking for it. I moved to a coastal area which makes me so happy-unless something like hurricane Florence visits. I have always loved the ocean and birds which led me to a name saltwater sparrow. I am beginning something…don’t know where it will take me as I continue to re-develope my own style. I purchased a domain name but no website yet-need to make my own collections and hopefully license this late in life. THANKS for inspiring me! Thank you thank you thank you! I look forward to your courses and continued success!

  14. Jenna-

    I’m so excited to learn more about starting a small business from you! My sister and I sew colorful spandex running belts and sell them on Etsy as SipSistersCo. We were already thinking about the next step for our little shop and the items on your small business freebie list really got our gears spinning!

    Thank you,


  15. Shelli Star says:

    Thank you Jenna for your amazing gifts to us. You are a leader in your profession & with your generous attitude will continue to be blessed!

  16. Sue Lewellyn says:

    Beautiful story. The American Dream. You remind me of Anna Griffin. Similar success stories for two hard working gals. This is just your beginning. Best to you. Sue. ?

  17. Beautiful! I love the texture in the site logo, too!
    So excited for what’s coming up – I’m just starting to get ramped up in my own endeavour so I will be watching closely the content you put out! It’s all been great to far, and I’ve learned so much (including taking the time to focus on one/two/three things at a time, instead of 20).
    Amazing for Brooke to have started as an apprentice, then having the drive and interest to learn other aspects, and now heading the whole operation!
    Congrats, Jenna!

  18. Desiree says:

    Hi Jenna. I’m looking forward to following you on your New website. It looks really beautiful and I very interesting. Kind regards From Desiree ( Living in Denmark)

  19. Rosalind says:

    Your vibe has already helped me. Your realness is important. Thank you.

  20. Kim says:

    So Gorgeous! Content is exciting and I like to know that you will be sharing your path for success, as I’ve watch your career explode into an Amazing adventure.
    Congratulations Jenna!

  21. Chelsea Cohen says:

    I have been following you for years! You gave me the motivation and materials I needed to start painting. While traveling and playing/coaching softball around the world I picked up a hobby of calligraphy and watercolor painting! I am now settling in at home and ready to jump into this hobby and turn it into a business. This new launch couldn’t have come at a better time for me! I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with.
    Thank you,

  22. Britnii Tudor says:

    HellooOoO! I just want to say you’re an inspiration to me personally, I’ve been a long time Instagram follower and I’m so happy to see you thriving in your business and most importantly in creating your lil family! Congratulations, by the way!! πŸ™‚ I went to middle school and high school with Brooke so I found your account through her Instagram years ago and have been a huge fan since! I currently work a rather mundane 8-5 job as a budget analyst and find myself desperately searching for any and all creative outlets every opportunity that I get, more-so as of recent (call it a quarter-life career crisis, if you will). I’ve always had a passion for creating art in all forms and have done calligraphy for a while but recently I am trying out watercolor thanks to you and your book! I want you to know that your artwork has been a consistent creative inspiration to me. You give me hope that I can one day use my artistic talents as a career to be successful and actually enjoy what I do for a living!! Thank you for sharing your gift and hard earned tips and tricks with your loyal followers! You are goals! πŸ™‚ P.S. Hi Brooke! πŸ™‚

  23. Julie Turkel says:

    So excited for you and so happy to be working with you. Congrats. The sky is the limit!!!!

  24. NIX says:

    Congratulations on your rebrand and site launch!!! I’ve always been a fan of yours and I can’t wait for what’s coming – i’m so excited!!!! Thank you for being a constant inspiration for us!!! YOU ROCK!!!

    PS: Hope to meet you soon!!!

  25. Hillary says:

    Jenna, I have really enjoyed your work and posts and watching you develop your business since I discovered you a year ago by your first book (which is excellent BTW!) You are encouraging and inspiring! I’m excited for your future as much as I am for my own, under your guidance.

  26. Maria Fregoso says:

    Can’t wait! I love your story and the way your business grew from nothing to something you love so much!
    I’ve worked in the corporate world for 30 years because I did not believe I could make a living from pursuing a career in art. I did the β€œsensible” β€œresponsible” thing and traded my dreams for a steady paycheck. A steady paycheck is wonderful, but the price I paid in boredom, stress, and trying so hard to be what I’m not, was too high.
    I will soon be 59 and I know that I will someday regret never giving my art a chance. This is where you, and everything you offer, come in. I know every journey is different and I may not end up where you are in 5 years, but it’s exciting to know that I might be able to at least supplement my retirement income. While doing something I love! Thank you Jenna!

  27. Lynn Ingram says:

    Dear Jenna – I’m hopeful that many will begin/continue personal businesses with your assistance. However, I’m 71 and retired and don’t want a business. I just want to learn as many watercolor techniques as possible for personal use. Our friends Beckie & John Collett were visiting us (we recently moved from SJC) and told me about you which is how I connected to your talents. Love the demos and look forward to lessons online since we are in Idaho now. Any prompting is greatly appreciated.
    Also, wishing you many blessings as your family grows… I was 27 with my first born and know how excited you must be.
    Lovingly, Lynn Ingram (mother of 2, grandma of 4)

  28. I have watched your business grow over the past few years and am grateful for your transparency in sharing the challenges – both business and health related – and the wins you have experienced. I share some of your same health issues, and your openness has helped me learn to live and thrive despite the setbacks I’ve experienced. I’m also in the middle of rebranding & re-prioritizing the bits & pieces of my business, and learning about your process is super helpful. Thank you for giving us a peek into how you do it all. ?

  29. Kamesha R. says:

    Bright Greetings, Jenna-

    My dearest and sincerest CONGRATULATIONS to you, Brooke and your entire family on the exceptional launch of your NEW site and brand! I absolutely look forward to all of the fantastic content you have in store and for the arrival of darling Baby Rainey. Thank YOU for all that you have done and continue to do to inspire the world and those around you. Best of blessings always! πŸ™‚

  30. Vera Berg says:

    Congratulations. You deserve you success. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next.


  31. Sandra Lane says:

    Hello Jenna,
    I’m so happy and excited for you and your new business endeavors!! I am a retired nurse, and have wanted to learn WC painting and hand lettering for years. I’ve just finished your WC course, and have also taken one of your lettering courses. Looking forward to more educational content on a range of topics! One thing I’d like to ask of you is if you could find a more user-friendly way for your students to download handouts and transcripts for your courses. I’ve had terrible arguments with my computer trying to print your materials to learn from! I noticed other students were having difficulties, also. Well, I’ll be watching out here in Kansas City, MO, to see what kind of β€œBossiness” you present next! Wishing you every success in your new business strategies!! ?
    Sandra Lane

  32. Jenna, congratulations for your work and new website! Thank you for share all you knowlodgment s2
    Broke: congratulations too! Must be amazing to work with Jenna.
    I hope one day be as your guys πŸ™‚
    Big kiss from Chile.

  33. Linda M-P says:

    Jenna – wishing you joy and success as you embark on a new chapter in your career. I look forward to the learning experiences you plan to provide. I have bought you book, Everyday Watercolor and can’t wait to dig in.

  34. Liz says:

    You’re such an inspiration Jenna! I was wondering what happened to Mon Voir.. Wishing you and your team many more blessings and success.. can’t wait for all the online classes, the new books and others!

  35. Sonya says:

    So excited for you !! Lovely website! One of your many Canadian fans!!!!

  36. Hesti says:

    You are my biggest inspiration!! Thank you Jenna ?

  37. Nancy Stanley says:

    Best of luck! You are amazing and I will continue to enjoy all of your art. . .

  38. Connie says:

    I have your book and I was in the Watercolor Summit. I am still working on my color charts. At first, it was a chore, but now I am really like seeing how the colors mix with each other! Thank you for all of it!

  39. Carolina Lacerda says:

    Wow this is amazing!
    Congrats to you and wishing u all the best!
    I follow you since 2 months ago when I bought ur book here in Switzerland and had no idea about watercolour…. Since then, I learned to use watercolour during the 30 days challenge and I am waiting for ur new books!
    Definitely, I will keep in touch w you!
    Thanks a lot Jenna,

  40. Victoria says:

    Dear Jenna:
    ConGraTulatioNs on an amazing, creative, adventure! I totally enjoyed your story and will look forward to reading what’s next for you. πŸ™‚

  41. Alisa says:

    You are so inspiring ! For years I have wished to start my own company doing something like this. The more I read of what you post the closer I feel to being able to take that step forward and let go of the uncertainty and fear .

  42. Kathleen Stegmeier says:

    I’m so excited about this new website and about watercolors….

  43. Donte says:

    Thanks, it’s very informative

  44. Mitali says:

    Hi Jenna,

    I love you work and love reading out your experience. You are my motivator to keep the art alive in me ans keep painting.
    I have just decided on the logo and my small business name. Really looking forward to read more on the branding + New Site launch.
    Kudos for being such a hard working person and keeping up with everything in life.
    All the best.
    Love from your Indian Artist.

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