My second book, “Everyday Watercolor Flowers” turns ONE!
If you don't know already, I wrote two books. With the success of my first book, “Everyday Watercolor,” my publisher immediately sent a contract for a second (…and now I have a THIRD on the way!). If you know ANYTHING about writing a book, then you know it's a labor of love.
From signing the contract, to writing the manuscript, creating the artwork, to actually having a book in stores takes about two years!! Yes, two years!
I created over 30 step-by-step paintings, wrote over 35,000 words, and stayed up until 4am MANY nights to get this thing done and PERFECT. Celebrating the year anniversary of “Everyday Watercolor Flowers” deserves some celebration right??
Well, I've got good news for you!
Right now, Amazon is running a deal on my book!
Along with that, my first book, “Everyday Watercolor” is ALSO on sale (half off?! WHAT!)!
Go snag your copy from Amazon or your local book store, or even library! It's all about picking up those paint brushes and getting creative!
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