My Podcast is coming!!! I've been talking about my podcast launch for a while on social media, and it's officially happening January 1, 2020…but for now, we have an early peek!
So, why a podcast?!
You know…I’ve been pushing this show away for years. If you’re asking, like I am…
I get it. There’s a lot of podcasts out there. And while I didn’t want to just add to the noise, I just can’t get away from what I believe my true purpose and passion are and that is to serve the creative community and show artists that they, too, can build thriving businesses.
I couldn’t care LESS if just one person listens to this show…if YOU, that ONE person hears ONE thing from pressing play on this podcast, and it impacts your life, then I feel like I’ve won. I’m content.
To me, this show and the content I put out on my website, YouTube Channel, in my how-to books and Instagram, is all about proving that the *starving artist* narrative was made to be crushed, and that while we all love to be our own harshest critic, we are ALL capable of being creative.
So, with that said…I hope you're ready for some insight on how to build a profitable creative business, the failures and mistakes I've made along the way, and some INCREDIBLE stories from guests who are EXPERTS.
If you don't want to miss out on any future episodes please subscribe, rate and review this show! I promise to read each and every review and I want to get to know YOU better so I can serve you the episodes you're looking to hear from me!
Make sure you hit subscribe on the podcast from wherever you're listening, so you don't miss on ANY future episodes!! We'll be hitting the ground hard come January 1, and we have SO many good episodes coming your way!
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