A Video Walk-Through!

Taught with licensing agent and expert Julie Turkel, this course teaches you the ins and outs of both the business side of licensing and also the creative and design process. Don't know how to create patterns? We got you. Want to learn how to find brands to work with and what to charge? We got you.

filed in:

Sneak peeks!


No idea how to price your work? How royalty rates work? In this module, we equip you with a complete cheat sheet for terms and best practices in both pricing, royalties and contracts. We'll also be doing a contract walk-through with Grant from Framework Law Group so you can see exactly how to read a licensing agreement!

Module Five:

Research & Organize

The foundation of a great brand collab is understanding trends. Essentially, we're teaching you how to be a detective—using informative shopping research to find contacts for collabs and forecast trends.

Module Two:

Licensing & Collaboration

This is your complete rundown of the licensing business model. We define the terms for you, help you discover and hone your signature style, and how to adjust your mindset for success in the industry!

Module one:


Module Three:

Jenna (artist) and Jos (surface pattern designer) are teaming up to bring you the best surface pattern design course out there! Learn how to create a perfect scan, the steps to edit and color correct your artwork in Adobe Photoshop, and how to design seamless patterns and a cohesive collection in Adobe Illustrator. Jos has created patterns in-house for brands like Rifle Paper Co., The Jungalow and Magnolia...she knows a thing or two about this!


In this module, you'll learn key questions to consider before signing the dotted line and you get to see a real life art submission with Williamson Home. And we equip you with a customizable brand book template with notes from Julie that will give you direct insight into what agents and manufacturers look for and customizable email copy to use when pitching your work!

Module Four:

One-Time Payment


Now $197!

select the PLAN that works for you:

Note: All prices are listed in USD


4 Monthly Payments

Note: All prices are listed in USD


Now $768!

Enrollment opens May 21, 2024!

Enrollment opens May 21, 2024!



National Park Landscape Art Turned to Puzzles!

One of my biggest wins has been my most recent collaboration after taking the B+B course — a brand called Micro Puzzles. I now have my National Park watercolor landscapes printed on Micro Puzzles and now a big National Park merch brand called Parks Project wants to get them in their online store.

Kendra, Artist

Get the Roadmap to Licensing Your Art

Brand Plus Brand is the roadmap you need to start selling your art. Now when someone wants to work with me, I’m ready. I have my proposal, pitch deck and pricing all in place. I’m so glad I trusted Jenna - she’s honest and transparent. She's exactly the mentor I need.

Sara, Artist

Creating a brand book and portfolio full of show-stoppers

Building collections for licensing that land the deals

Understand how to find licensing contacts to even work with in the first place

Negotiate and pitch your work with confidence from knowing how the business works

Shortcuts for creating your Brand Book, pattern collections and organizing your work

Step-by-step look at how to do all the tech stuff like scanning, digitizing, creating repeats and more!

Invest now and reap the benefits for many years to come...


I want to purchase multiple courses, can I buy more than one at once?

Unfortunately our checkout system doesn't allow to add more than one course to your cart at a time, HOWEVER, when you complete checkout on one of the items you want, the confirmation page will have a link taking you right back to this page so you can grab the next course you want.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I take these courses if I'm not in the U.S.?

Absolutely! The internet is a beautiful thing. If you have internet access, you can take any of these courses.

What's the difference between Brand Plus Brand and Pen to Press?

Great question! These two courses are completely different. Pen to Press is a course on custom stationery design and working with stationery CLIENTS, while Brand Plus Brand covers licensing. How to write contracts, how to price your work, how to find the right partnerships, building and organizing a portfolio, etc. Brand Plus Brand is the next step in terms of career for most creatives if you’re wanting to get into passive income and working with brands, but if you work with stationery clients (ex. wedding invitations), then Pen to Press is your course.

Do these courses come with a community or future updates?

No. Because we are closing this chapter and moving on to a new one, we decided to give these awesome courses a huge discount and one last chance to snag 'em. So everything will be self-paced and self-led with no future updates to the course. But again, these are really thorough, incredible courses with thousands of students enrolled.

Are there any refunds if we decide the course isn't the right fit?

Similar answer to the one above, no. All sales are final!

How long do I have access to the course materials once I purchase?

You get immediate and unlimited access as soon as you purchase! You will receive a confirmation email from Kajabi along with login information. Make sure you check spam, but if you don't receive this email, you can reach out to hello@jennarainey.com!

How do I know these courses will be worth it?

People who pay, pay attention. These courses have thousands of students enrolled and years worth of knowledge and expertise. I'm just moving on to more alignment in what I create and teach, and therefore won't be launching these particular courses anymore. They're incredible, just not aligned with my pivot!

I'm only just getting started with my creative business, are the business courses still for me?

Absolutely! If you want all the guesswork taken out of the beginning stages (and then some!), then you're right for any of these courses. They're self-paced, so you can move along through the lessons when you're ready!